Code Graveyard
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tags: project
This is a collection of ancient programs I wrote during high school. Most of these were found either on old thumb drives or on my Dropbox. Select programs have a short description.
- 2011-05-23 - Hangman
- 2011-05-23 - TripleT
- 2011-04-11 - BigBucks
- 2011-03-04 - Notepad - A notepad that draws everything in custom canvas coordinates. Not really a good idea, but something I wanted to try.
- 2011-01-29 - NFactorful
- 2011-01-28 - A crummy Blackjack game. Wanted to play around with classes and shuffling.
- 2011-01-25 - Chess2
- 2011-01-25 - DiminishingCircle
- 2011-01-25 - WarSimulator
- 2011-01-15 - FirstOrLast
- 2011-01-10 - PegGame
- 2011-01-07 - StudiousStudent
- 2011-01-02 - liarliar
- 2010-12-17 - Conversation
- 2010-12-15 - BIRCA (Brent IRC App) - an IRC chat client that implements (from what I can remember) the most basic parts of the IRC protocol to get you connected and talking in a channel.
- 2010-12-03 - Infection
- 2010-11-29 - Descrambler
- 2010-11-19 - Evaluate
- 2010-11-10 - Star
- 2010-11-08 - ComputerPrimes
- 2010-11-08 - PrimeNumber
- 2010-11-04 - Diamond
- 2010-11-04 - DiamondRecursive
- 2010-10-19 - DrawTemplate
- 2010-10-12 - WanderingLines
- 2010-10-05 - BrentIRC (version 1) - My first attempt at a crummy IRC client.
- 2010-09-29 - RSS - A hilarious attempt at trying to parse XML uses regexes.
- 2010-09-21 - JavaPaint
- 2010-09-16 - Clock
- 2010-09-15 - Cube
- 2010-09-13 - Test
- 2010-09-06 - Networking
- 2010-04-14 - Crypto
- 2010-04-14 - AddEmUp
- 2010-04-01 - Auto
- 2010-03-07 - Pacman Game
- 2010-03-02 - Brain - Texas CSCI UIL Regionals 2005 Problem 2 solution
- 2010-02-09 - Digdog - Texas CSCI UIL Regionals 2005 Problem 5 solution
- 2010-02-17 - Base
- 2010-02-11 - Speaking
- 2010-02-11 - Speaking_2
- 2010-02-09 - Juggle - Texas CSCI UIL Regionals 2005 Problem 8 solution
- 2010-02-09 - Word - Texas CSCI UIL Regionals 2005 Problem 10 solution
- 2010-02-09 - Maze
- 2010-02-05 - Letter
- 2010-01-28 - Matrix
- 2010-01-23 - AsciiChart
- 2010-01-20 - DiamondProgram
- 2009-12-15 - Player
- 2009-12-09 - ReverseAlphabetCodes
- 2009-12-09 - NameReversal
- 2009-12-09 - BlackjackAnyone
- 2009-12-07 - Ball
- 2009-12-06 - Bouncer
- 2009-12-06 - PingPong
- 2009-12-03 - Shooter
- 2009-12-03 - AnimationTest
- 2009-12-03 - StringObjectClass
- 2009-12-03 - GraphicsUpdaterTester
- 2009-11-18 - SumOfRoots
- 2009-11-18 - AddPattern
- 2009-11-18 - MethodPractice
- 2009-11-18 - Function
- 2009-11-18 - DrawPotatoHead
- 2009-11-17 - AddFactorial
- 2009-11-17 - AddBitDigits
- 2009-11-16 - SameBirthday
- 2009-11-16 - EndlessLoop
- 2009-11-16 - Grader
- 2009-11-06 - LoanPayment
- 2009-11-06 - lab08
- 2009-11-06 - effectOne
- 2009-10-07 - interestCompund
- 2009-10-09 - fahrenheitToCelsius
- 2009-10-07 - piCalc
- 2009-10-07 - DialogPractice
- 2009-09-26 - primeFinder
- 2008-12-23 - picwin_mp3.mrc - One of the first programs I was really proud of. It was a music player for mIRC (written in mIRC scripting language) that used ‘picture windows’ for display. Picture windows were essentially a canvas you could draw on. The code is incomprehensible, but it’s still working as of 2020.
- 2008-09-10 - oldmp3.mrc - An older mp3 player that used mIRC native dialog functions instead of a picture window.
- 2008-04-06 - Trivia.mrc